Thursday, 17 March 2011

Yet more cabochons...

They didn't stick together after all so there are even more crammed into the kiln today! :D

Far too many for me to put them all in one blog post, so here's an overview of today's crop:

Day 10 - overview

Can you guess which were my favourites before you scroll down? :)

Day 10, first pic
Day 10, first pic

I'm sure you did guess :) Oh, and the one on the right isn't nearly as wonky-looking IRL! I had to double-check when I was editing this photo!

Day 10, second pic
Day 10, second pic

I remember cleaning this bead when I first made it and being heartbroken that it split in two! It's nice to have been able to resurrect it :)

Day 10, third pic
Day 10, third pic

I had a few of these that broke at the same time, hence there were two of these cabs in this batch and I've slumped at least one other. I'm fairly sure I have the other ones in my broken beads pot too...

Day 10, fourth pic
Day 10, fourth pic

Ah, meet "Gemini" :) Not very original, I know, but as the silver looks like a constellation and they're twin cabs (not identical, I know), I couldn't really call them anything else :)

Day 10, fifth pic
Day 10, fifth pic

I love the fab, bright orange, vibrant colour of this one! The other one like it has turned out with a bit of a sharp point at the top so it'll have to go in the kiln again...

Day 10, sixth pic
Day 10, sixth pic

I love, love, *love* this one! It's friend also came out with a pointy end so given that I've never double-slumped any of these yet, I hope it survives a second go. It'll be a while before that happens... I'm too excited about the ones that haven't been in at all yet to wait!

And finally.... Day 10, seventh pic
And finally... Day 10, seventh pic

Really like the woody-fossily look to this one. some of the black has come out with a texture to it which I think only adds to the overall organic effect.
OK, so I've still used quite a lot of pictures today but just think how many there'd have been if I'd photo'd them all individually ;)

More tomorrow. (was that a groan I heard? ;) ).


Laurat said...

I love the sixth picture, it reminds me of the hungry catapiller when he was in the cocoon! Number Seven reminds me of a conker, just out of the shell all shiny and glossy!

jane said...

Ooh, I see what you mean about both! Hmm... shouldn't have too much trouble giving them names now - thanks :)